Frequently Asked Questions


Though medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and other diseases, or genetics play a role in child obesity, the major reason today is ‘they take in more calories than they use.’

  • Frequently eating junk/fried food, large portions and drinking sugar-rich beverages are some of the contributors to obesity.
  • Physical inactivity plays a major role. Playing outdoors is replaced by TV, video and mobile games.

Hence, correction of lifestyle is very important while dealing with child obesity.

Yes, it is mandatory for each mother to know about nutritional facts.

  • Nutritional requirements of fat, protein, carbohydrate, calcium and iron changes according to the age group.
  • Therefore, a well-balanced, nutritious diet according to the child’s age, height and weight increases growth, stamina, strength, mental ability, concentration and overall performance of your child.

Lifestyle diets are balanced and practical nutrition prescriptions based on scientific research. They are catered to one’s health needs and day to day life style, which ultimately lead to a positive attitude and maintained for a lifetime.

Make no mistake, with weight loss there are no ‘magic diets /magic shakes/ quick fixes.’ So called crash diets often send dieters into a cycle of quick ‘weight loss’ followed by a rebound of ‘weight gain’.

  • Losing weight permanently needs focus, persistence and determination. It is a gradual lifestyle change. You are never ‘on’ a diet or ‘off’ a diet.
  • You should always be on a Lifestyle & Exercise Program, where, step by step, you reach your goal and become clinically fit as well. This way, you will never go back to your original weight.

Everyone is made differently – genetics, body types, lifestyles, and different resources. Consequently, people must use different strategies to accommodate their differences to reach maximum fitness, but free of any risk to health.

Find out what gives you maximum results. Professional help will make this easy for you.

None of us can run away from a busy lifestyle. It’s the way of the world today. But that shouldn’t be cause for an unhealthy routine. You need to know how to adjust your schedule. Lifestyle diet plans give you the knowledge to pick and choose the right foods. It also makes you more productive to face challenges in the busy world.


If you BMI (Body Mass Index) is lower than the recommended average; it is considered unhealthy and could predispose you to health problems. Thin people are prone to osteoporosis in later years. Thin people can also get heart attacks if they have bad eating habits. Therefore even if you are thin, lifestyle and diet corrections are must.

Quick Fixes

The only calories that will burn will be that of the person massaging you. That said, a massage will relax you, stimulating your lymph system resulting in loss of fluids and hence a little weight loss. And, a vigorous massage with oils and creams is a tried and tested method to improve the appearance of cellulite in a small way.

How nice if they did. We could eat whatever we liked, whenever we liked, and still stay slim and healthy. Slimming machines help you lose water so your scales show a decrease in weight. This makes you happy. But the slimming centre will tell you to eat low-calorie foods and exercise regularly to avoid going back to your original weight. And they will deny further treatment if you go back to them with increased weight.

So you treat yourself – you try to lose weight by starving yourself and by exercising.

In effect, you lost weight not because of the slimming machine, but because you cut down on food intake and maintained exercising.

Isn’t this an unhealthy/risky and non- permanent way to lose weight?

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a disease of the Pancreas, an organ located behind your stomach. Normally, the Pancreas releases a substance called Insulin into the blood. Insulin helps the body to use sugar and fats that are broken down from the foods we eat. When a person has Diabetes, the pancreas:

  • Does not make insulin
  • Makes only a little insulin or,
  • Makes insulin but the insulin does not work as it should.

People with Diabetes must manage their disease to stay healthy.

The following factors may increase your chance of getting Diabetes:

  • Family history of Diabetes
  • African-American, Hispanic, Native American or Asian American or ethnic background
  • Being overweight
  • Age (chances increase with age)
  • Taking certain medicines
  • Being pregnant*

*Pregnancy puts extra stress on a woman’s body that causes some women to develop Diabetes. Blood sugar levels often return to normal after childbirth. Yet women who get Diabetes during pregnancy have an increased chance of developing Diabetes later in life.

There are two types of Diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 Diabetes

  • The pancreas makes little or no insulin. A person with Type 1 Diabetes must take insulin to survive. This type occurs most often in people who are under 30 years old.

Type 2 Diabetes

  • Insulin is made but it doesn’t work as it should. Nine out of 10 people with Diabetes have Type 2 Diabetes. This type occurs in people who are over 40 years and overweight.

Diabetes is managed through proper diet, exercise and, if needed, medication. People with Diabetes must use home and office tests to monitor the levels of sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides (a type of fat) in their blood. Steps are then taken to keep the levels of these substances as normal as possible.

Type 1 Diabetes is controlled with:

  • Insulin injections
  • Meal planning
  • Exercise

Type 2 Diabetes is controlled with:

  • Diet and exercise
  • Medicine taken orally
  • Insulin injections (less common)


Avoid any strenuous exercises. They are not advisable for obese people. Begin with simple exercises like walking, easy body toning and posture improvement. As fitness improves the exercises can be scaled up, though in all cases, it should be done gradually. The difference is between theory and practice – being obese doesn’t stop anyone from exercising, but in practice, there may be many exercises, such as jogging, which can make you feel uncomfortable, hence avoidable.

One of the biggest exercise myths is that you can lose fat in an area of the body by strength training or exercising that specific body part. The truth is that “spot reduction” does not work, because we cannot dictate from where our bodies will decide to oxidize fat, nor can we change fat into muscle. Doing triceps and press-downs will not decrease the amount of fat one has on the back of one’s arms ;also doing crunches will not decrease the amount of fat on one’s abs.

As people age, their skin will become less elastic and thus conform less to their arms. So “flabby arms” are somewhat a product of age. Any exercise that decreases body fat percentage will help people lose fat on their arms, just as it will help them lose fat from other areas of the body.

Our Team

  • Dr. Manisha Bandishti
    Dr. Manisha Bandishti MBBS, DPB
    Obesity & Lifestyle Management Consultant
  • Mr. Sachin Shah
    Mr. Sachin Shah
    Kalyani Medical
  • Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Program Coordinator
  • Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Head Receptionist
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Nutritionist Research & Development (R&D)
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Sanketa Kamble
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Jennifer Robert
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Komal Vivek Bansode
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Archana Jadhav
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Akriti Vats
    Back Office Head
  • Dr. Manisha Bandishti
    Dr. Manisha Bandishti MBBS, DPB
    Obesity & Lifestyle Management Consultant
  • Mr. Sachin Shah
    Mr. Sachin Shah
    Kalyani Medical
  • Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Program Coordinator
  • Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Head Receptionist
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Nutritionist Research & Development (R&D)
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Sanketa Kamble
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Jennifer Robert
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Komal Vivek Bansode
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Archana Jadhav
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Akriti Vats
    Back Office Head

Establishing a society where individuals learn and inculcate a scientific approach to build a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

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