Fat Loss Program With Risk Factor Management

Fat Loss Program With Risk Factor Management

Are you struggling with obesity and looking to reduce risk factors for various health conditions?

Risk factors often associated with obesity are PCOD, BP, Diabetes, Dislipedimea, heart issues, stroke, etc.

Other risk factors may include cancer, kidney disease, Gout, osteoarthritis, thyroid, etc

Fat Loss Program With Risk Factor Management

Our Fatloss Program with Risk Factor Reduction is tailored to help you achieve your weight loss goals and address health concerns. Here's what you can expect from this program:

Number of Online Sessions: 8 sessions.

Frequency Of Sessions: Once A Week

Duration: Completion Within 2 Months

Online Discussion: We will closely monitor your progress and tailor a personalized diet for each week, taking into account your specific needs.

Exercise Guidance: You'll receive suggestions on suitable exercises to complement your weight loss journey.

Daily Monitoring: We provide daily monitoring of your weight and exercise regimen. Family packages are available.

Our Team

  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Akriti Vats
    Back Office Head
  • Dr. Manisha Bandishti
    Dr. Manisha Bandishti MBBS, DPB
    Obesity & Lifestyle Management Consultant
  • Mr. Sachin Shah
    Mr. Sachin Shah
    Kalyani Medical
  • Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Program Coordinator
  • Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Head Receptionist
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Nutritionist Research & Development (R&D)
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Sanketa Kamble
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Jennifer Robert
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Komal Vivek Bansode
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Archana Jadhav
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Akriti Vats
    Back Office Head
  • Dr. Manisha Bandishti
    Dr. Manisha Bandishti MBBS, DPB
    Obesity & Lifestyle Management Consultant
  • Mr. Sachin Shah
    Mr. Sachin Shah
    Kalyani Medical
  • Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Ms. Angelina Fernandes
    Program Coordinator
  • Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Ms. Hencil Lobo
    Head Receptionist
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Nutritionist Research & Development (R&D)
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Sanketa Kamble
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Jennifer Robert
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Komal Vivek Bansode
  • Ms. Shraddha Gorwadkar
    Ms. Archana Jadhav

Establishing a society where individuals learn and inculcate a scientific approach to build a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

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